Showing 76 - 100 of 140 Results
Handbook for Travellers on the Continent; Being a Guide Through Holland, Belgium, Prussia, a... by Murray, John Publisher ISBN: 9781363313938 List Price: $23.95
Handbook for Travellers on the Continent; Being a Guide Through Holland, Belgium, Prussia, a... by Murray, John Publisher ISBN: 9781363313945 List Price: $32.95
Publisher and His Friends; Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray, with an Account of the ... by Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904, M... ISBN: 9781373653901 List Price: $28.95
Publisher and His Friends; Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray, with an Account of the ... by Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904, M... ISBN: 9781373653871 List Price: $18.95
The Quarterly Review, Vol. 91: Published in June and September, 1852 (Classic Reprint) by Murray, John, John Murray ISBN: 9781334075636 List Price: $19.57
A Publisher and His Friends, Vol. 1 of 2: Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray;... by Smiles, Samuel, Samuel Smiles ISBN: 9781334094958 List Price: $19.57
A Publisher and His Friend, Vol. 1 of 2: Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, ... by Smiles, Samuel, Samuel Smiles ISBN: 9781334324000 List Price: $19.57
The Quarterly Review, Vol. 81: Published in June September, 1847 (Classic Reprint) by Murray, John, John Murray ISBN: 9781334649462 List Price: $19.57
A Publisher and His Friends Memoir and Correspondence of the John Murray: With an Account of... by Smiles, Samuel, Jr., Samuel... ISBN: 9781331551348 List Price: $16.57
Modern London by Cunningham, Peter, John Mur... ISBN: 9781342570154 List Price: $27.95
A Publisher and his Friends. Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, With an Acco... by Smiles, Samuel, Jr., Samuel... ISBN: 9781341913020 List Price: $30.95
The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated: With an Application of it to the Alterations in... by Malthus, T. R. 1766-1834, P... ISBN: 9781342142702 List Price: $21.95
Byron and John Murray : A Poet and His Publisher by O'Connell, Mary ISBN: 9781781381335
Handbook for Travelers in Berks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire by John Murray Publisher ISBN: 9781164790518 List Price: $39.96
Handbook for Travelers in Greece by John Murray Publisher ISBN: 9781164809494 List Price: $44.76
Publisher and His Friends; Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, with an Accoun... by Smiles, Samuel, Mackay, Thomas ISBN: 9781177963442 List Price: $34.75
A Handbook of Travel-Talk: A Collection of Dialogues and Vocabularies Intended to Serve as I... by Murray, John, John Murray (... ISBN: 9781347938669 List Price: $28.95
A Publisher and His Friends: Samuel Smiles by John Murray ISBN: 9781770830332 List Price: $24.99
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